Education for Sustainability approaching SDG 4 and target 4.7

We are delighted to announce the release of the book Education for Sustainability approaching SDG 4 and target 4.7, published by the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana (UPB) in collaboration with the Colombian node of the Learning Network on Sustainability (LeNS), under the leadership of Ana Elena Builes (member of LeNS Colombia and UPB lecturer). The contributions also include those of the transdisciplinary research group DIY-Materials, coordinated by Professor Valentina Rognoli.
The publication addresses the current challenges of sustainability by stating that we must continue to build, share and apply the best possible knowledge in order to continue to collaboratively develop solutions to improve the way we live on our planet.
In this sense, universities and other educational institutions play a crucial role in research, teaching and service within the academic community and beyond. In this role, educational institutions also contribute to building and strengthening technical and relational human skills, enabling people to better understand from a rational perspective and get more deeply in touch with the challenges of sustainability and the different ways to continue solving them.
The publication is open source and available for download at the following link: