Fare assieme — Collaborative Public Services
29 January 2025, from 17:30 to 20:00, BASE Milan, via Ambrogio Bergognone da Fossano, 34

Inspired by the book Fare assieme by Ezio Manzini and Michele d'Alena (Egea, 2024), the seminar explores the theme of collaborative public services and their design methods, exploring strategies to promote alliances between active citizens and intermediate bodies such as trade unions, the third sector and parties.
The event is divided into two thematic panels and a final round table where we will discuss:
01. Activating proximity networks
Focus on the difficulties encountered in activating new collaborative networks around public services such as schools and libraries. Two Milanese actors will offer a practical insight, highlighting challenges and opportunities that have emerged in promoting such initiatives.
02. The contribution of service design
This panel explores how service design can facilitate a transition towards collaborative models, with contributions from experts who have worked on digital platforms and new formats of public services.
03. Stabilising good practices
The aim of the roundtable is ambitious: to go beyond good practices to identify strategies for stabilising collaborations. Models and tools for redesigning public services with a view to lasting alliances between citizens and intermediate bodies will be discussed.
Sara Pietrafesa, Biblioteca Oglio
Noemi Morrone, Istituto Comprensivo Statale Rinnovata Pizzigoni
Daria Cantù, Esperta in design dei servizi pubblici digitali
Mariella Stella, Esperta di attivazione civica e innovazione sociale
Federica Vittori, chefare
Linda di Pietro, BASE Milano
Luca Stanzione, Camera del Lavoro Metropolitana di Milano
Annibale d’Elia, Comune di Milano
Marta Battioni, Legacoop Lombardia
Daniela Selloni, Politecnico di Milano
Davide Agazzi, FROM
Ezio Manzini & Michele d’Alena, autori della pubblicazione Fare Assieme
More info and link to register here.