In dialogo con il design: dove spazi e servizi si incontrano
BookCity 2023
Friday, November 17, 2023, 6 - 7 pm, Off Campus Nolo, Viale Monza 54, Milan

As part of the Bookcity Milano 2023 exhibition, the book S+S. Spatial Design + Service Design (Maggioli Editore) will be presented in the presence of the authors, Annalinda De Rosa, researcher at the Department of Design and Gea Sasso, Senior Service Designer at Sketchin strategic-design studio, and of Yulya Besplemennova, Partner & Service-system Design Lead at Oblo. The discussion will be moderated by Stefana Broadbent, Associate Professor of the Department of Design.
A debate dedicated to the meeting between space design and service design, in which an attempt will be made to outline similarities, approaches, tools, and peculiarities of two branches of design with different histories and characteristics. The discussion will also focus on the challenges of an integrated design where the interaction between space design and service design is not only possible but probably necessary to create the groundwork for effective collaborative strategies.
To participate in the event, registration is required here.