Sguardi Altrove Film Festival
Donne in codice. Le città dell’Universo: come sarà abitare nello spazio
8 March 2024 6.30-7.30 pm @ Cineteca Milano Arlecchino, via San Pietro all'Orto 9, Milan

As part of Sguardi Altrove Film Festival, the only Italian festival dedicated to female directing, Annalisa Dominioni e Benedetto Quaquaro will present their book "Le città dell’Universo. Come sarà abitare nello spazio”, published by Il Saggiatore, which reveals how we will inhabit space and what form our lives will take in a more sustainable and inclusive extraterrestrial dimension.
The authors, creators, and instructors of the world's first and only Space Design course supported by the European Space Agency (ESA), lead us into the homes of today's astronauts to project us into those we will inhabit tomorrow on other galaxies: from the International Space Station to the first settlements on the Moon, from space tourism to projects to live on Mars and beyond.
The authors will be joined by Sabina Berra, who will moderate the conference, and astrophysicist Gianluca Ranzini.