Salone del Mobile 2023

On the occasion of the Salone Internazionale del Mobile 2023, the Design System of Politecnico di Milano - School of Design, Department of Design and - enhances and promotes creativity and design by organising and participating in various events.
The Polimi Design System organizes three main initiatives, developed on three significant and strategic poles of the city - Campus Durando Bovisa Politecnico, Fiera Rho and Salone Satellite - with the aim of highlighting projects and creative processes of students, the real protagonists of our Academy.
Opening: 14 April at 1.30pm
Event date: 17 April – 15 May 2023 (excluding Sundays), from 10am to 7pm
Where: Politecnico di Milano - Building B2 - Campus Bovisa, via Durando 10 - Milan
Design X Designers is a large exhibition of educational projects from across the Design System of Politecnico di Milano: School of Design, Department of Design and
The exhibition highlights multiple design sectors: from industrial product to fashion, from interior and furniture design to communication, without excluding services, brand and strategy, transportation and design engineering. The exhibition covers 1,500 square meters and includes design boards, models, prototypes and full-scale installations.
Design, where are you going?
Event date: 18-23 April 2023, from 9.30am to 6.30pm
Where: Salone del Mobile, Fiera Milano, Rho – Reception pavilions 13-15
Once again this year, Politecnico di Milano's Design System, School of Design, Department of Design and, will be present, along with other Milanese Design Academies, at the Salone del Mobile.
The Design System will present its educational and training offerings and research and service opportunities through this interactive exhibition that will feature visitor involvement and engagement.
The public will find, and be able to collaborate with, students and collaborators from School and Department who will be grappling with the creation and finalization of an analog device that will help discover multiple answers to the question "design, where are you going?"
Event date: 18-23 April 2023, from 9.30am to 6.30pm
Where: Salone del Mobile, Fiera Milano, Rho – Stand A10
In the current dimension of uncertainty, design moves towards new narrative PATTERNS, thanks to multifaceted design-driven concepts, for multi-scalar and in-progress solutions that activate real social, economic, productive innovation for an Ecology of the Earth. On the occasion of the 2023 edition of the Salone Satellite, the School of Design, together with the Design System of the Politecnico di Milano, is offering an installation that acts as a transmitting and receiving antenna, part of a cluster, collecting multiple design patterns and answers to the question posed "design, where are you going?", to be discovered through an analog device and listening to a sound narrative, for a choral composition of the polytechnic design culture.
We list other initiatives, which will take place during the week of Salone del Mobile, involving researchers from the Department of Design.
AAA x Tangity - Inclusive Design
Press preview: 17 April 2023, 10.00 - 13.00
Event date: April 18-23, 2023, 10:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. (except for April 23, 10:30 a.m. to 6 p.m.)
Where: BASE Milano, via Bergognone, 34, 20144 Milano MI
The AAA Collective of young designers collaborates with Tangity, NTT Data, to bring three projects from the Inclusive Design course of Prof. Antonio Grillo, Politecnico di Milano, to Fuorisalone 2023.
The projects selected by the course deal with social and cultural issues, addressed and solved through the methodology of inclusive design.
AAA and Tangity are offering students the opportunity to exhibit their talents at We Will Design, BASE, an exhibition environment for young designers from around the world.
The exhibition will run from April 17-23, 2023, from 10:30 a.m. to 8 p.m.
More information on AAA Instagram profile
Press Opening: 17 April 2023 at 5pm
Event date: 18-23 April 2023, 10:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. (except for April 23, 10:30 a.m. to 6 p.m.)
Where: BASE Milano, via Bergognone, 34, 20144 Milano MI
Exhibition of "fragile profiles" developed by students of the , on scenarios of human inclusion and diversity to 2033.
Professors: Giulio Ceppi, Pete Kercher, Francesco Rodrighiero, Francesco Samorè
Future of human fragilities@2033 presents 3 areas of risk for inclusion issues and 9 profiles of possible future fragile users, to demonstrate how the importance of the human factor must be at the centre of every project and transformation action: these 9 personalities have become the protagonists of the work of the students of the Final Synthesis Workshop of the Integrated Product Design Courseof the School of Design of Politecnico di Milano, and the subjects for whom they have designed new products and services, for a truly better and inclusive future, for everyone.
More information available at BASE Milano.
Book presentation "Le città dell'universo"
Event date: Wednesday 19 April 2023, at 7pm
Where: Caffè letterario Colibrì, via Laghetto 9/11 Milano
Presentation of the book "The cities of the universe" published by Il Saggiatore and exhibition of etchings of drawings from the book to the literary cafe Colibrì, via Laghetto 9/11 Milan
Le città dell’universo reveals for the first time how we will live in space and what shape our lives will take in a more sustainable and inclusive extraterrestrial dimension.
Annalisa Dominoni and Benedetto Quaquaro, creators and professors at the Politecnico di Milano of the world's first and only Space Design course supported by the European Space Agency (Esa), take us into the homes of today's astronauts to project us into those we will inhabit tomorrow on other galaxies: from the International Space Station to the first settlements on the Moon, from space tourism to plans for living on Mars and beyond.
In these pages, it will be possible to discover how the issues of habitability and well-being in space have been addressed, what are the most surprising differences of living environments in reduced gravity, how our daily lives will change in the future, what alterations our bodies will undergo by responding to physical laws different from those on Earth, how science fiction has anticipated scenarios that have since come true. The book sketches a future "Interplanetary Renaissance" through new tools and visual languages that guide the transition process to other planets in which the role of design capable of bridging science and beauty also emerges in space. Where technology and aesthetics will be able to coexist.
Rethink! Service Design Stories
Event date: 20 April 2023, from 12:00 p.m. to 1:10 p.m. and from 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Where: Spaces Porta Nuova – Sala Archistar, Bastioni di Porta Nuova 21, Milano
Free event after registration, subject to availability.
Registration for the event will close at midnight on April 16, 2023.
Rethink! Service Design Stories is the first Italian festival dedicated to Service Design and innovation aimed at creating a public arena where experts, businesses, and public institutions can meet, discuss, and create new ideas and networks. The festival, born in 2017, is produced and promoted by - Politecnico di Milano and is now in its seventh edition.
On April 20, 2023, from 12 pm to 9 pm at Spaces Porta Nuova (Sala Archistar) in Milan, there will be a discussion on how service design can strengthen and improve processes of social justice, and therefore how to address issues related to equity, inclusive and participatory practices, and the redistribution of power and resources. The transition to a service-dominated economy requires a strong connection with a pervasive perspective of social justice to support the transition towards a more sustainable society, in the broadest sense of the term. This involves paying particular attention to the impact of services on fragile ecosystems and the biodiversity that comprises them.
More information on Rethink! website.
Design Variations 2023. Reforming Future
Press preview: April 20, 12 pm
Event date: April 20-22, 2023, from 12pm to 7pm
Where: Istituto Marchiondi Spagliardi Via Noale 1, Milan
Access possible by reservation only. Booking link
The event, open from April 20 to 22, will take place in the spaces of the Istituto Marchiondi Spagliardi, a rare example of Italian Brutalist architecture opened for the first time to the public at milano design week. The use of this space stems from an initiative of the municipality of milan that aims to re-evaluate disused public spaces.
The event consists of guided tours of the architectural structure of the Marchiondi Institute, organized in collaboration with the Politecnico di Milano and GAe Engineering. Inside the Marchiondi will be visible some projects of the students of the Politecnico following a delimited path. The display of these works supports the cultural journey of the architectural structure.
Reforming Future, strongly desired by Valerio Castelli, is part of the exhibition Design Variations 2023 and collects the projects of Michele De Lucchi and Andrea Branzi's master's course at the School of Design of the Politecnico di Milano.
It is an excursus on the experience carried out by the two architects in the university seminar with Francesca Balena Arista, Marco De Santi and Mario Greco, which over the years has dealt with important anthropological themes: Misery, Chaos, Death, Eros, Rebellion, Diversity, Contamination, Freedom. The installations, models and videos made by the students will be placed inside the institute along a specially designed educational path in a constant dialogue and confrontation with the spaces that urges the visitor to a deep reflection on contemporary living.
To express the message of the exhibition with visual immediacy, AMDL CIRCLE has designed symbolic flags, which, through the language of comic strips, graphically summarize the ideas of design reform, creating the setting for the story of the works on display.
The initiative is enriched by the contribution of Christoph Böninger of the IF Design Foundation in Munich, an institution that supports academic research in design and focuses on the future of design education and its social responsibility.
Reforming Future is intended to be an opportunity to try to provide an answer and the impetus for reflection on the future of design teaching and its social implications.
Organization: MoscaPartners, Caterina Mosca and Valerio Castelli
Concept: Michele De Lucchi, Francesca Balena Arista and Marco De Santi, Politecnico di Milano
Safety and Authorization Procedures: GAe Engineering Engineering Company, leader in Fire Prevention, Safety&Security, Project Management and Construction
Visual identity: AMDL CIRCLE, Filippo Nicolini and Antonio Mazzei
International contributions: Christoph Böninger, IF Design Foundation, Munich
Politecnico organizational team: Nicolò Chierichetti, Giada Boromello, Marta Elisa Cecchi, Francesco Antonelli, Gabriele Milanese, Giuseppe Arezzi
Technical Sponsor: SP Systema
Technical Partner: Artemide
Video: Francesco Clerici
Photo Reportage: Ruy Teixeira
More info on the School of Design
WORDS & WORKS: suggestions for a sustainable "energy transition"
Participatory workshop
Opening: April 17, 2023, from 2:30 p.m.
Event date: April 17-23, 2023, 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Where: DESIGN DIFFERENT - Via Grazioli 73, 20158, Milan
The event will connect different generations in the form of a "participatory workshop", involving university students and children together who, in an informal and interactive way, will talk, draw and discuss topics such as energy, the future of cities and sustainability, finding a new and shared language. These are important topics, but they can also be addressed in simple, sometimes playful terms, so that they become increasingly inclusive and representative of a common awareness.
"WORDS & WORKS" marks the beginning of an awareness-raising path that will be pursued through the "D.E.SIGN" research in a multidisciplinary way, with the awareness that no step towards energy sustainability can be taken without also taking into account the social, cultural and educational dimension connected to it.
As a backdrop to the event and over the following days, it will be possible to appreciate the thematic installation created during the workshop: a new "energy vocabulary on a child's scale" built by local children, and "Soft Sculptures: three-dimensional tales for energy sustainability", an exhibition of poetic paper sculptures of shadows and light, designed by Design students from the Milan Polytechnic and the Iuav University of Venice.
During the workshop, while the children will be engaged in creative activities, accompanying adults will be able to visit the installations and exhibitions set up in the Design Differente space. Designers and creatives will be available for guided tours.
As part of the D.E.Sign project
Promoted by ENEA
With the collaboration of:
Department of Design, Politecnico di Milano
Department of Cultural and Environmental Heritage, University of Milan
Department of Design Culture, Iuav University of Venice
Design Differente, Affori Citizen Committee, Republic of Design
CAPitoli urbani
Event date: April 17-23, 2023, 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Location: DESIGN DIFFERENTE - Via Grazioli 73, 20158, Milan
Design Differente with Gruppo CAP - one of the most important single-utility companies in Italy, manager of Milan's water service - and researchers from the Department of Design at Politecnico di Milano present the "CAPitoli urbani" project, a research on the development of a neo-material from the recovery of heterogeneous plastic waste.
The project consists of the definition, optimization and standardization of a circular production process for the realization of projects that valorize plastic waste including residues of materials-others (e.g., aluminum, tetrapak, paper, PP, HDPE), without needing differentiation at the origin.
The process is highly innovative; in fact, it is not an already codified processuality: if normally plastics are recycled with a preliminary sequence of splitting/sorting, shredding and granulation that has a not inconsiderable economic cost that, often, negatively impacts the final recycling, the process experimented with the research "Urban CAPitols" instead provides that the material is not split and pre-sorted, but includes (and valorizes) also inhomogeneous components with respect to plastic.
The result was to obtain a recycled plastic neo-material with high aesthetic, emotional and narrative properties, as well as technical and performance properties.
The exhibition will present the first slabs made with this innovative material: a transformed plastic, characterized by a marble aesthetic, within which the waste finds new life by transforming itself sometimes into a binder, sometimes into points of light given by the residual aluminum, and sometimes into unpredictable shades determined by the graphics present in the plastic containers of origin.
Research sponsored by
CAP Group
Scientific leaders of the research
Barbara Di Prete - Department of Design, Politecnico di Milano
Agnese Rebaglio - Department of Design, Politecnico di Milano.
Curatorial project curated by
Davide Crippa - Republic of Design
Exhibition project
Davide Stanga - Department of Design of the Milan Polytechnic.
Technical partner
Design Differente -
Vertical fablab on circular economy issues
Dotto Creations. Challenging the evolution of design
Event date: April 18, 2023, at 12:30 p.m.
Location: Room B2.0.1, Building B2, Campus Bovisa Durando
On the occasion of Milan Design Week, Gianluca Bartolini, an alumnus of Politecnico di Milano, and Francesco Iannuzzi will hold a seminar at Politecnico di Milano.
They will explain the secrets of their design philosophy and how they understand the evolution of design.
Biancaneve, the first creation of their startup Dotto Creations, will be on display throughout the day!