DDP. Distributed Design Platform - DELICE Designing Everyday Life in the Covid-19 Era
Website's Project
DDP. Distributed Design Platform - DELICE Designing Everyday Life in the Covid-19 Era
Website's Project
The Distributed Design Platform is an international platform created to be an exchange and networking centre for the emerging field of Distributed Design. The aim of the initiative is to develop and promote the connection between designers, makers and emerging digital and local markets.
From 2018, the Polifactory research group, a research lab at the Politecnico di Milano that explores the relationship between design and analogue/digital manufacturing to promote a new culture of making, joins the DDP network to share its projects and talents.
Designing Everyday Life in the Covid-19 Era
The third year collaboration project with the DDP platform developed by Polifactory was DELICE - Designing Everyday Life in the Covid-19 Era. This was an experimental initiative aimed at stimulating young designers to co-design and implement open source solutions by exploring the needs that emerged during the health care emergence period.
The distribution of these products was intended to take place via digital platforms, while their materialisation was linked to Fab Lab, i.e. digital fabrication labs created to provide access to the environment, skills, materials and advanced technology to enable anyone, anywhere, to design.
The DELICE project has been developed in four phases involving the development of ideas by designers at the Politecnico di Milano, their subsequent selection and implementation to develop them into open source solutions suitable for online publication, thanks to the support of Polifactory, and finally their promotion on the Distributed Design Platform.
The devices realised:
- Klaw4040 is a modular trolley that responds to the downsizing of the concept of distance due to health emergencies, allowing citizens to rediscover their neighbourhoods thanks to a personal, agile, light and flexible means of transport;
- Maskearing is a silicone support to be worn around the ear to prevent skin irritation caused by wearing a mask;
- Must is a tool for qrapid welding and joining of soft metals or polymeric materials built from a hair straightener and a series of add-ons.
- Duo is a small accessory designed for visually impaired people to be attached to the white cane or guide dog harness to respect safety distances and act as a daily aid.
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