





Maps of the system of archives of Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli







Maps of the system of archives of Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli

The project Maps of the system of archives of Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli aims to propose a communication system for the exploration and consultation of archival materials within large-scale archival systems, characterized by heterogeneity in the levels of content description. Research activities have led to the design of a digital platform capable of providing exploration tools suited to the rich and diverse contents of the Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli archives.

The main objectives of the project include:

  1. Holistic Representation: Developing a platform that offers a comprehensive view of archival resources, highlighting the relationships and connections between different units within the archives.
  2. Multilevel Access: Ensuring access to all content levels, from general overviews to detailed documents, enabling users to navigate through the archives with ease.
  3. Hierarchical Representation: Using a conceptual framework that reflects the traditional physical archive, with a container-based hierarchy to represent different levels of organization within the digital archive.
  4. Composition of Views: Implementing various representative views (hierarchical, chronological, geographical, semantic, visual, relational, narrative) to provide multiple perspectives on archival data.

The platform is organized into three main sections that employ different visualization techniques to meet diverse user needs:

  1. Overview: This hierarchical view provides a comprehensive visualization of archival resources, using treemap visualizations to display the structure and size of various collections, series, and documents.
  2. Structure: This view, based on a partition chart, offers a detailed representation of multiple descriptive levels simultaneously, enhancing readability and interaction.
  3. Timeline: This chronological view places archival materials along a timeline, facilitating the analysis of trends, developments, and historical contexts.

Research groups