In progress
MUSA. Multilayered Urban Sustainability Action - SPOKE 2
Website's Project
In progress
MUSA. Multilayered Urban Sustainability Action - SPOKE 2
Website's Project
MUSA - Multilayered Urban Sustainability Action is an Innovation Ecosystem funded by the Ministry of University and Research under the National Recovery and Resilience Plan. In addition to Politecnico di Milano, the project involves the main Milan Academies, Università di Milano-Bicocca, Università Bocconi, and Università Statale di Milano, joined by numerous public and private partners.
Born in Milan, MUSA addresses the challenges of sustainability in the metropolitan context, proposing a new model of public-private collaboration that is replicable and scalable nationally and internationally.
The MUSA Ecosystem considers the Lombardy territory an ideal laboratory for testing integrated innovations and interdisciplinary responses in six distinct thematic areas (Spoke).
The Department of Design is involved in the following Spoke:
- Spoke 1 - Urban regeneration - City of tomorrow
- Spoke 2 - Big Data-Open Data in Life Sciences
- Spoke 5 - Sustainable Fashion, Luxury and Design
- Spoke 6 - Innovation for Sustainable and Inclusive Societies
Spoke 2 - BIG DATA-OPEN DATA IN LIFE SCIENCES: works on the development of technologies and processes for processing large amounts of health and life sciences data for the well-being and health of citizens.
BIG DATA AND OPEN DATA IN LIFE SCIENCES will develop an innovative digital platform for the secure transmission and storage of big data related to life sciences. This platform will facilitate the translation of basic research into applications aimed at improving citizens' nutritional status, healthcare, and living environments, by organizing and processing data to be accessible to artificial intelligence systems.
Spoke 2 will impact citizens' well-being by enhancing their lifestyles, structuring the collection of big data for biomedical research in Lombardy, and developing the pharmaceutical and life sciences industries.
These actions will also be implemented through interaction with other Spokes of the MUSA project: Spoke 1 for sustainable lifestyles, Spoke 6 for social inclusion, Spokes 3 and 5 for the industrial transfer of research results and developed solutions, as well as for technology transfer and economic impact.
The scientific impact of Spoke 2 will consist of creating the digital infrastructure for data exchange related to life sciences and medicine. This will enable advanced research in preclinical, clinical, and diagnostic fields, and increase interest among all regional stakeholders.
Spokes 1, 2, and 6 are connected by the common goal of building an urban and neighborhood infrastructure that promotes a healthy and sustainable lifestyle.
Specifically, Spoke 2 aims to significantly improve social sustainability, encourage social inclusion, bridge inequalities, and enhance health status. Additionally, it is expected to have repercussions on environmental sustainability resulting from the general improvement of lifestyle habits. The future sustainability of healthcare, and welfare more broadly, depends not only on the introduction of innovative technologies and service delivery methods but also on the involvement and responsibility of all stakeholders in achieving designated goals.
Specific activities of Spoke 2:
- A digital structure for the exchange of data related to life sciences and medicine will be created, starting from the 5G infrastructure that will support broadband and low-latency data transmission, ensuring the security needs that must accompany the transmission of medical and life sciences data. All collected data will be enriched and interpreted through artificial intelligence systems to support clinical decisions for current and future patients.
- New personalized technologies and tools for continuous remote monitoring will be developed to promote well-being and health, increasing population awareness about important health issues. This action will also involve kindergartens for managing education and preventing learning defects.
- The development of high-impact technology startups will be supported, encouraging the implementation of research-produced technologies in the region.