In progress
PARIPASSO. Per crescere insieme
Website's Project
PARIPASSO, per crescere insieme, is a project aimed at increasing the supply of educational and care services for early childhood, with particular reference to the 0-3 age group, in areas where there is a greater need.
The project foresees the creation of multidisciplinary interventions and integrated services through the creation of five accessible social HUBs to support children and families in five fragile territorial contexts (in the municipalities of Bari, Castel Volturno, Rome, Desio and Alta Val Trompia) in order to know and understand the vulnerabilities of the places and transform them into added value capable of facilitating and increasing access to opportunities and tools that support care, education and inclusion paths.
The Design Department of the Politecnico di Milano will play a transversal role in collecting needs and knowledge of existing services at the partners, as well as a research and co-design activity for the definition of guidelines aimed at the design of the HUB of services and support spaces for services, arriving at the definition of aspects of excellence and innovation to be translated and passed on for future experiences.
Research groups
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