Borin Ambra
Post doc fellow
Borin Ambra
Post doc fellow
PhD in Design (2024), Post-Doc Research Fellow at Polimi DESIS Lab of Design Department at Politecnico di Milano, conducting research activities OSMOSI. Observation and Study of Design and Development Models of hybrid Spaces, places of urban experimentation and social Inclusion through creative and cultural activities” (PNRR. Missione 4 “Istruzione e Ricerca” - Componente C2. Investimento 1.1_PRIN - 2022ZC5MKM). The research proposes a study on the impact assessment of hybrid and cultural spaces, increasingly recognised as strategic places for social inclusion, community aggregation and territorial development.
During her PhD path, conducting a research entitled "DESIGNING SYSTEMS OF PROXIMITY. Crystallisation of proximity practices from Urban contexts to envision community-based Design strategies in Small and Remote places". The research involves the development of a theoretical framework centered around the concept of Proximity: subsequently analysing the main characteristics of collaborative and social innovative practices of Urban contexts (Uc) to explore if it is scaleable/adaptable/reinterpretable in extra-urban realms (2020 – until June 2024 ). Visiting PhD candidate at the DXCM Research Lab of ELISAVA - Facultat de Disseny y Enginyeria de Barcelona UVIC-UCC Barcelona (Spain) with Roger Paez (February – July 2023).
Master’s degree in Interior and Spatial Design LM-12 Design (2018) at the School of Design at Politecnico di Milano, with a thesis titled "Oltre il Vuoto / A system of exhibitions in uninhibited cinemas in Milan". The thesis involved the design of several exhibitions and atmospheres within the vacant spaces of empty cinema halls, staging the variations and artistic and cultural interpretations of the Void. Bachelor's degree in Industrial Design L-4 Industrial Design (2015) at the DATA Department at La Sapienza University in Rome.
She is part of the research group POLIMI DESIS Lab (2018 – ongoing), from the DESIS Network - Design for Social Innovation and Sustainability, within the LEM - Design of Landscape, Environments and Mobility section at the Design Department of Politecnico di Milano. As a member of the PoliMI DESIS Lab, she is involved in research projects through occasional collaborations and/or as research fellow contracts in the field of Spatial and Service Design; primarily focusing on con-temporary public spaces as incubators for social practices capable of generating territorial changes through the experimentation of participatory strategies and bottom-up processes; and also on topics as hospitable cities, temporary living solutions, child-friendly cities and educational environments, cultural developments and public interiors. Addictionally, she has been involved in the research project co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union Human Cities “SMOTIES - Creative works with small and remote places” (2020 – ongoing); and she is part of the coordination team of Off Campus Nolo (2020 – ongoing) – located in the inner spaces of the Public Market on Viale Monza in Nolo district in Milan –, an initiative promoted by Polisocial with the aim of strengthening the presence of the Politecnico di Milano within the city of Milan, as a university that is more responsible, open, attentive to social challenges and closer to the community as students, inhabitants and associations.
She collaborated in Mnemosphere, the miniFARB project of the Design Department of the Politecnico di Milano (2019 – 2022), which aims to investigate the different ways in which the identity and memory of places are designed and communicated through experiential spaces capable of stimulating emotions.
To conclude, she has experience as a Teaching Assistant and Thesis Tutoring at the School of Design, POLI.design, and the ASP Programme of Politecnico di Milano; and also as Visiting Teaching Assistant at the Universidad de Navarra in Pamplona (Spain) and Tongji University College of Design and Innovation in Shanghai (China).
Research groups
Group details
Research projects
OSMOSI: Observation and Study of the design and development of Hybrid Spaces, Models, places of urban experimentation and social inclusion through culture and creativity
Project detailsHuman Cities/SMOTIES. Creative works with small and remote places
Project detailsLa Mia Scuola è Differente! Participatory design pathways to make schools and educational offerings more connected to the community and more aligned with the needs and aspirations of new generations.
Project details