Rossi Michela
Full Professor
Rossi Michela
Full Professor
- 1979 high school diploma at the Liceo G. Marconi in Parma
- 1985 degree cum laude in Architecture\, Università di Firenze
- 1986 professional qualification to practice architecture
- 1993 PhD in Architectural Survey and Representation - V cycle
- 1994 two-year scholarship for post-doctoral research - Dipartimento di Progettazione dell'Architettura - Università di Firenze
- 1998 assistant professor H11X-DISEGNO\, Facoltà di Architectura\, Università di Firenze
- 2002 associate professor ICAR 17-DISEGNO\, Facoltà di Architectura\, Università di Parma
- 2008 associate professor ICAR 17-DISEGNO\,
Facoltà di Design, Politecnico di Milano
- 2016 full professor ICAR 17-DISEGNO\, Dipartimento di Design\, Politecnico di Milano.
Drawing and computer graphics teacher.
Since the doctoral thesis, the research activity is focused on drawing as a detectable element of design, which manifests itself in the formal characterization of the project in the different scales of landscape, architecture, and ornament, investigating the relationship between form and geometry in construction, the archetypes and formal invariants of the project.
She collaborated in research with ministerial funding at the universities of Florence, Palermo, Parma, and coordinated research projects at the University of Parma and Politecnico di Milano, deepening the study of the applications of descriptive geometry to the design and simulation of the artificial space in the Architectural Perspective.
Research groups
Group detailsDeCH
Group details
Research projects
PUDCAD. The Practicing Universal Design Principles in Design Education through a CAD-Based Game
Project detailsArchitectural Perspective. Digital preservation, content access and analytics
Project detailsDescriptive geometry and colour, a digital representation: the relation form/colour in the field of industrial design. Digital procedures for design colour management and surfaces representation
Project details