Volonte' Paolo Gaetano
Associate Professor
Volonte' Paolo Gaetano
Associate Professor
Paolo Volonté, PhD in Sociology (Milan 2003) and in Philosophy (Freiburg i.Br. 1997), teaches the Sociology of Fashion and Theories of Innovation.
He is Coordinator of the study unit META – Social Sciences and Humanities for Science and Technology. He is also on the International Advisory Board of ModaCult (Centre for the study of fashion and cultural production) of the Catholic University of Milan, and past President of STS Italia, the Italian association for science and technology studies which he founded with other colleagues in 2005.
He is co-editor (and co-founder) of the International Journal of Fashion Studies (indexed WoS and Scopus) and is on the advisory board of Tecnoscienza. His main research interests are in the fields of sociology of culture, fashion studies, design studies, and science and technology studies.
Research projects
From netizens to metazens. Narratives of virtual worlds and civic engagement on the metaverse
Project detailsMeta. Addressing online scientific misinformation in high schools
Project detailsSocial factors and processes that influence the acceptance of refused scientific knowledge
Project detailsHumanitiesDesign Lab
Project details
Magazine articles