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AWDA 2023

V Edition of Aiap Women in Design Award

Friday, November 10, 2023, Triennale Milano

The awards ceremony of the fifth edition of AWDA, Aiap Women in Design Award, the international biennial award curated by Cinzia Ferrara, Laura Moretti, Carla Palladino together with a team of volunteers, dedicated to visual communication designers, was held at the Salone d'Onore of Triennale Milano. The prize was created with the aim of exploring different languages, poetics and approaches in graphic design and mapping the working condition of women in design.

The award is promoted by Aiap, the Italian Association of Visual Communication Design, and is supported by ICoD, International Council of Design, with the collaboration of numerous national and international associations and institutions, including POLI.Design.

The international jury selected 60 shortlisted projects divided into the three award categories (students, researchers, professionals), in addition to the main Aiap Women in Design Award. For the first time, a special award, AWDA for Rights!, was given to the project that most significantly addressed social issues related to women's rights and work, as well as gender inequality in any field.

The Career Award was given to Aoi Huber Kono, while the Memorial Award went to Michela Papadia.

Among the selected projects with female authors from Politecnico, we point out the Honorable Mention for the category dedicated to female researchers, awarded to Valeria Bucchetti, Francesca Casnati and Michela Rossi for the "Manifesto for a gender-sensitive communication."

Here are all the projects from the School and Department of Design and our alumnae that made it to the shortlist:

Research & Training



Credits: flag design by AWDA team (font courtesy: Zetafont)