The Collaborative Kitchen opens!

Kick off event for the Collaborative Kitchen project

Lunedì, 20 settembre 2021, 11 a.m - Loris Malaguzzi International Center

We’d like to report the kick off event for the Collaborative Kitchen project, a research proposal of the Design Policy Lab recently funded through the Cross-KIC New European Bauhaus call.

Raising levels of food insecurity and malnutrition are among the most relevant urban challenges associated with the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic in European cities. The New European Bauhaus Initiative (NEB) launched by the European Commission seeks to stimulate post-COVID recovery of European cities and communities by addressing issues such as food accessibility, circularity and urban resilience through the NEB principles of inclusiveness, sustainability and quality of experience. The European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) supports such Initiative through a collaboration of several of its Knowledge & Innovation Communities (KICs).

In this framework, The Collaborative Kitchen, is a project conceived and implemented by the Design Policy Lab in partnership with Caritas Reggio Emilia and with the support of EIT Food, to increase the circularity of the food donation system through a process of community co-design.

For ten weeks, the Collaborative Kitchen will involve the people of the Caritas food donation system: diners, volunteers and donors, but also policymakers and other value bearers, through a series of conversations and workshops held at Caritas Reggio Emilia and Laboratorio Aperto dei Chiostri di San Pietro. The aim is to imagine the future of food giving and distribution to reduce waste, but also to support people and communities.

On Monday, September 20 from 11 am to 1 pm there will be the official presentation of the project, to find out more about the Collaborative Kitchen and how to participate. The event will be held in blended mode at the Auditorium Hall of the Loris Malaguzzi International Center (Viale B. Ramazzini, 72/a, Reggio Emilia) and will also be streamed live through the Facebook platform on the event page (at this link).

In order to participate in presence, registration is required through Eventbrite (at this link) and the possession of the Green Pass to be shown on site.

For further information please contact