




Magazine Contatti


Italian Design Day

Project and materials: new challenges for the sustainable recovering of the Made in Italy

Martedì 7 settembre 2021, 6 p.m. - online

The simultaneity between Italian Design Day in Kuwait and Design Week in Milan is an opportunity to tell the story of the Italian design system and museums, universities, companies, and designers.
The theme selected by ADI for International Design Day 2021 is very strategic: it brings matter back to the center of design, not as an anachronistic quality compared to the immaterial, but as an essential foundation of the project and the experience of Italian design.

In Italy, design is material because the nature of the materials is often the essence from which design starts, the anchor with the place, the immanence, the essential iconographic, sensorial, cultural, and geographical reference. It is this root of Italian design in the primary ingredients of local materials, of its territories, in its headmasters - as has been the case for years in food - that is the key to sustainability and restart that we all hope for.

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